MCX Silver Real Time Trading Log - 20% ROI

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Well-Known Member
This system interests me because it may have a + 30% monthly return.

Price action on its own doesn't seem trust worthy but price action based trades at S/R levels may well be a worthwhile trade strategy.

I'm looking at developing a profitable system (+ 30% monthly) that can be used in multiple commodities across multiple exchanges.

@meherp, I cannot disclose too much about my system because I have yet to test it beyond a month of profitability. It is profitable paper trading across lead, zinc and aluminium since the start of this year but live trading it for less than a month has lead to profits in only lead and zinc (barely any profit in Zinc.) I can share technical details that I have shared before: My current system works across 3 time frames, 120 minutes, 60 minutes and 5 minutes. The fact that it only works on 2 commodities and in only the MCX exchange makes me uneasy about giving all the details. I'd rather develop a multi commodity and exchange friendly system or help someone in developing such a trading system.
What I feel is, system which is working good for silver, may not suit for trading in Crude Oil because every individual elements in financial instruments has its own characteristics..(Be it Equity or commodity or Forex or whatsever may be)..

So having one system to trade across multi commodity and expecting it to perform and give same results is not valid..

This is what my experience, I may be complete wrong..
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