Now ,consider a case of 2 Nifty lots and 5 Minifty lots (100 shares in both the cases).Let us assume similar ENTRY and EXIT points.Let us consider a case with a gain of 20 points. In case of Nifty Futures a total gain of 40 (2*20) is obtained whereas in case of minifty the gain will be 100 (5*20).In case of LOSS also it will be SEVERE in case of minifty.
For a 20 points gain in 2 lots in NF,the gained points are 40 points.Which is equal to 2000/-(40*50).
For a 20 points gain in 5 lots in Mini,the gained points are 100 points.Which is equal to 2000/-(100*20).
Similar in terms of losses.No severity in case of Minifty.