Hi SS,
.... My calculation was like this. Total points gained in 180 days = 1980 , So points gained per day = 11 points.
Well I did paper trading for a couple of months then swithched to real trading . I am trading Mini Nifty through Zerodha. And I think I can handle the drawdown for a couple of months. Regarding mental strength. Well it depends, if you are utilising 100% of your capital, then whatever mental strength you have will not suffice. On the other hand if you are trading with 10% of your capital with good discipline and money management. You don't need any mental strength.
Lastly, I would like to say that in my opinion 6 months of backtesting is enough, Come what ever situation, the average you are getting for 6 months period is nerver going to be reduced by more than half at any period of time.
I hope I have cleared my position.