Modern Dairies is a good value stock


Well-Known Member
Mr. Ramanathan you have picked up a gem. Congratualations.


P.S. : i am a fan of your FA. Please post about other stocks as well.
Closing my position in Modern Dairies

Closing my position in Modern Dairies

Position Closed

Recommended at Rs.27.70 SELL at Rs.174.60 (at Upper Circuit today).

ROI (return on Investment) = 530% (i.e. more than a 6 bagger)



Well-Known Member
Re: Closing my position in Modern Dairies

Closing my position in Modern Dairies

Position Closed

Recommended at Rs.27.70 SELL at Rs.174.60 (at Upper Circuit today).

ROI (return on Investment) = 530% (i.e. more than a 6 bagger)

Great call!!!! Sad I missed it :(
Shall follow ur Ind Bank call for sure :)


Well-Known Member
Dear Ramanathan,
I read yr post on Modern the very day u had posted here.Forgotten also.Today,one of the member posted it in a blog'Orangestone',but magnanimous enough to disclose that the original recomm came from u.Pl accept my compliments.To be frank ,i am visiting this thread after a very long time since many of the senior stalverts who were sharing their knowledge wiyhout expecting any material benifit (taught how to fish) have deserted & hence the learning opportunity lost.
Wishing u all the best,
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