Money on the short side

Well to be honest I am not short of anything right now and as far as opinions are concerned they might be subjective but the only thing that matters is price and its as objective as it gets.


Well-Known Member
The market is in correction mode as I see, so its not exactly a complete bear run.

But I agree there's money in shorting now...I'm doing that now...

In correction mode, shorting works until the market has fully corrected....

But the bulls will not be waiting forever is what I sense :thumb:
hey savantgarde are we in bear market yet??

Around 5 months back I posted a thread suggesting that we were entering full fledged bear market and it would be prudent to sell some bygone bull market leaders(TCS,RIL,TATASTEEL,ICICI,LT,INFY).

I was ridiculed and told by all knowing SAVANTGARDE to "re-analyse before jumping to a conclusion that we are in a bear market....."

So I would like to take this opportunity to ask savantgarde " Are we in bear market yet?"

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