Mutual funds General Discussions

Re: free software for mutual fund (in excel or other)


yes, as per my message, I found only one file on & its seems to be corrupted so I asked group to give if any one having the same.


What are the options available to know more about mutual funds and fund managers???

Hi! I am thinking of investing some of my savings into mutual funds. Can anyone recommend where I can find information about best mutual funds. It would be helpful to know about some fund mangers that have beaten market index. Please help!
Re: What are the options available to know more about mutual funds and fund managers?

Hi there,

Well you can get that data anywhere from business newspapers to websites or you could simply ask your relatives or friends who have experience in mutual fund investment. Otherwise I would recommend you to use of which I am a subscriber. They provide services and tools to find best mutual funds and fund managers suitable for you to get superior returns.

Hope this will solve your query.
Re: free software for mutual fund (in excel or other)


After login, you will notice a menu on the top of the window

Assuming that you have to add mutual fund entry for lump sum purchase:
1. Go to TRANSACTIONS -> Purchase.
2. You can see a screen, where you can enter the fund details.
3. Choose the fund house from the first drop down box.
4. The "Scheme" drop down box will be filled automatically with the schemes of the selected fund house.
5. Select the Scheme.
6. Select "Type". Be careful here, because the default selection is Re-invest and you might have "Growth" option.
7. Rest is regarding the transaction date and its more or less clear.
8. The tricky part is the "Folio No". If you are adding scheme for the first time, click on "New" and add your folio number in the text box. I have checked that its not necessary to provide the same folio number as you have in your MF scheme. You may provide any text that you can remember.

Click on save and you are done.

If you are comfortable with this, we can check out the SIP\STP menu that appears under TRANSACTIONS menu
Re: What are the options available to know more about mutual funds and fund managers?

Hi there,

Well you can get that data anywhere from business newspapers to websites or you could simply ask your relatives or friends who have experience in mutual fund investment. Otherwise I would recommend you to use of which I am a subscriber. They provide services and tools to find best mutual funds and fund managers suitable for you to get superior returns.

Hope this will solve your query.
This is not for Bombay Stock Exchange ~ India. This seems to be American
quarterly return

i want to invest 2,00,000 rs in mutual fund for 5-8 yr in high risk scheme . how much maximum return i can recieve . but i want return/dividend in every three months please

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