$$my forex live call and my way to become a pro$$

what do you think am i a pro

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Well-Known Member
to vssoma and all how are looking for a good system and wana make money so remember one thing that you you coppy some one else system you always depand on him so it will be great for yourself if you can devlop your own system but i know it s hard to build a system so here is a gift from my side to all of you how are looking for a system i am not giving only one system but i give you a hole set of system if you stick with one day you will be abel to find your own system here is a link for you all you will find simple to complex every system just remember one thing that every system is profittabel so you have to use good mm .and stick with one system and try it feal free to post your query i i will abel to solve than i will surely help you all, so plz if you choosing a system stick with it atleast one month
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