My holy grail Las vegas casino style day trading strategy

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Raj Bro,

Kindly can you reply to my above query and how can we benefit from your strategy.Cheers mate.
u can follow in ur mobile.............but u have to follow ...bcz morning is very important.........if you want to place order by mob answer will b no..........its not for mob trader..........:thumb:
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One day i analyze my 2000 to 2010 trading a excel sheet........I weekly...avg....performance is in day trading is......... 4:1 means 5 days weekly trading i won 1days n loss 4 60% wining was on every last 10 yrs data I never loss 5days in a row........remember i analyze my first trading .......if i trade another I loss I come to the conclusion....that my first trading is opening bell.......this analyze encourage this way............I believe stock market is mind game.........specially in day trading..........I always target in MONDAY.......starting with 40 I sad my winning rate is greater on Monday...........if I fail I will.....not double......Tuesday will b .....50 past data says in Tuesday my success is a week... ......Wednesday 150 lots if fail on Tuesday.......As 15% of tgt hit on Wednesday n Thursday......Tuesday n friday is 5% each.......... so after Monday.........I tgt on wednesday and thursday.........Its my system....u dnt need to follow u just follow ur past data...........specially who having PAST TRADING more thing I have to say..........this trading system for those people who r confident to only 1 day in a week.............CAN U DO THAT? idea is I will recover all my loss with profit with 1 winning hit........SIMPLE
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Today will buy.........Nifty 40 lot mkt price in opening bell tgt 20 sl 20...let c.......
I always try to earn more money on monday..........its my mind game and max time I win.........why........let me explain.......after saturday and sunday....peoplle buy or sell in fresh mind.........any positive news on monday..........mkt react spontaneously........example Today's Reliance result........last monday my tgt was hit........20 40 no trading 4days according to my i trade with fresh mind...if today hit my tgt no trading next 4 days......if sl hit..on tuesday .....I wont double.......lot will b 50..........tgt 15.........
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Well-Known Member
I always try to earn more money on monday..........its my mind game and max time I win.........why........let me explain.......after saturday and sunday....peoplle buy or sell in fresh mind.........any positive news on monday..........mkt react spontaneously........example Today's Reliance result........
What about global markets.You dont take them into account?
Today will buy.........Nifty 40 lot mkt price in opening bell tgt 20 sl 20...let c.......
today i square my loss no profit.........reason market is turtle.........:annoyed:
What about global markets.You dont take them into account?
yeah u r8..........but my idea was mkt might react.........with RELIANCE RESULT........but mkt is tired after 5 days run..........:thumb:
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