my options picks intraday/delivery


Well-Known Member
its wrong I think. it can be 5800 PE and 6100 CE....The assumption is Nifty will remain between 5800 - 6100 range in this expiry.
There is nothing much wrong in the strategy... Only thing is he will pay more brokerage and other charges for this strategy called short strangle... What you have mentioned is the proper way of doing it...:thumb:


Well-Known Member
5800 ca @ 160 and 6100 pe @ 214
plz reply
I don't like it... Selling 5800CA and 6100PE... The strategy here is to eat up premium. But you still have to pay out at expiry. If you are unlucky and Nifty moves out of the range between 5800 and 6100, then you might have to pay more than you earn.

There are safer strategies to write options. Your friend's method is not one of them.

Our friend Gangadharan got into option writing recently. He sold 5400PA and 6000CA. His analysis showed that Nifty is most likely to remain between 5400 and 6000. So, in the end, he earns both ways as both options expire worthless.

Option writing combined with analysis and chart reading is what produces a winning options strategy..



Well-Known Member
Any option buying going on 2 days before expiry?

option fan

Well-Known Member
Option pick ... of the new year !!

Buy 5800 CE ........ best buy if NIFTY fut or spot seen @ 5690 !!
Buy SBIN 2600 CA..RIL 1040 CA

BUY SCI fut with s/l 117

I am having HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEE fun with options.. try urself with EYES WIDE OPEN !!

why all Buy trades???............ because market Not at all bearish @ current levels........... options are risky but multiple returns possible.. trade on own risks....
Option_fan, what kind of stoploss do you keep with options? I must be the most stupid options guy because earlier this month I bought 5900, 5800 & 5500 puts for 26.55, 24.55 and 13.55 respectively.. Sold 5500 puts for a loss, and got out with 3 rs. profit in 5800 & 5900 puts each.. I thought I was being smart, then those things went up to ....... to the sky..