Does anybody know of a Pivot calculator that calculates pivots based on Camarrilla Eqns ? Can be easily implemented in Excel, but a small desktop application that
i) loads the symbols from a database
ii) has dropdowns to select the symbol, date & timeframe (daily, wkly, mthly etc)
iii)loads the HLC data from same database as in (i) (based on the TF selected)
iv) allows the computed pivot values (alongwith Symbol, date & TF) to be saved to a txt file /Excel sheet
v) Has a 'Compute' & 'Save' button (with obvious functionality)
would be handy.
(To avoid complexity, only daily data can be allowed to begin with. Later other TFs can be incorporated)
Will the S/W development experts in the forum give it a thought?
P.S. : Can also allow computing other kinds of Pivots (Floor, Woodies etc.) through another 'Pivot Type' dropdown. (The corresponding formula can then be selected internally through a CASE or IF-ELSE construct. The 'Pivot Type'/alias will also need to be saved in this case to avoid confusion later )