My System - My trades.

In BN today's lowest volume candle (120 contracts) came at 12:58 as per 1min.charts. The closing rate of that candle was 22852. We closed above this level in both price and OBV.
The adjusted close of banknifty is 22830.35

What difference does it make to tomorrow's levels ?
TP ji these levels are to be used for both price and OBV. So if price goes below these levels and OBV does not then one should wait and also vice versa. As best trends are observed when both are in sync. (For example if BN or Nifty were to open Gap down but we donot see weakness in OBV we do not short just because these levels have been breached.


Well-Known Member
John Ji where are thee. With your good wishes in Reliance almost 90% of the target met (approx 1360)
hi varu kochhar, congratulations. yesterday after my expectation of new low, i realized that around 2.10pm yesterday there were 1,2 waves in 1 min chart. that time itself i got the confirmation that it will meet your target today
When you see so much activity in OBV before crucial days you can be assured that it is either Institutional or insider activity and you should just follow the trend which is being potrayed by this activity.

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