My Views, My Trades - My Posts

Sir myself struck in 10400 ce at 84 is it possbl to get out?
Sorry bhai, cant suggest you to keep it or get out of it. Its your choice, to do so. Buying high price options without some stoploss ????

Today 10400 made a gain of 16 R
There are still 10 more trading sessions, to go
And you need NS to 10500+(min) to recover your cost.
NS today close 10214.75
Still require some 300 points more
NS so far high 10490.4

Now decide yourself :) :)

Congestion seen at 25666
Should reach there
Should hold/trade above 25500

LTP 25550

I anticipate a gap up open around 25600, only to go for a dip for 25500 and then to rise again.
Just my view
Last edited:

Congestion seen at 10285
Should reach there
Should hold/trade above 10255

LTP 10265

I anticipate a gap up open around 10280/85 only to go for a dip for 10250/45 and then to rise again. Just my view
wowwwwwwwwwwww !!!!!

I was expecting this wild move for yesterday, but it didnt turn up :mad: :(
Never mind, it came today.

Lekin yadi kal aa jaata to kuchh aur hi baat hoti lol lol

Congestion seen at 26026
Should reach there
Should hold/trade above 25852

LTP 25910

Congestion seen at 10377
Should reach there
Should hold/trade above 10333

LTP 10340

Congestion seen at 933
Should reach there
Should hold/trade above 909

LTP 917

Just my view.
Disclaimer: I have positions in RIL

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