
Well-Known Member
looks like market will be green in october after sometime.

It is observed in past that if markets are red in first 3 weeks ,then in all
probability that it will be GREEN in the Expiry week and vice versa.
sorry for causing confusion. what i meant was that markets usullay move up in september and slip in october. this time it seems it will close positive with respect to september closing.


Well-Known Member
Interesting read. Nice to see columbus still active :) (Unfortunately or fortunately life caught up with me). One question though:
When you say jobbing, do you mean scalping?
Nice to see you back too lazytrader. You seemed to have disappeared abruptly.
Life I suppose means you are pursuing higher studies/fulltime job.
Back to your question, I believe jobbing is capturing small movements or exiting within 2min . So you cab infer from the duration.
Scalping is interpreted differently by people especially since everyone uses a different time frame. I use 2 min TF for this, Columbus uses the 15 min TF for BB trades. Naturally it depends on the underlying script and volatility.
These terms end up being used interchangeably.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting read. Nice to see columbus still active :) (Unfortunately or fortunately life caught up with me). One question though:
When you say jobbing, do you mean scalping?
I came to know about the term "Jobbing" six months back (just before I started thinking of taking trading as full time). In my perception, both seems to be the same. Some use the term "jobbing" some "scalping".
I came to know about the term "Jobbing" six months back (just before I started thinking of taking trading as full time). In my perception, both seems to be the same. Some use the term "jobbing" some "scalping".
The world's best scalper is a 32 year old trader from ireland called Paul Rotter aka the eurex flipper. You can find his interview on the internet .... its very interesting.

In my time i have known only one successful scalper trading 30 year T-bonds he was trading his own account and had turned 20k to 650k usd in around 8 years when i last heard of him. I dont know what happened after that but I heard he suffered some losses when the volatility in the bond market dried up.

he told me he used to read the order book using tradingtechnlogies x-trader, their is no s/w better than this for order book scalping.

He also told me he has traded next to some really big traders who traded as big as 2000 contracts a clip !!! (sat next to them) and they all acquired the ability to interpret the order book. That's how they do it.

however it is possible one develops this instinct (interpreting the order book/market depth screen) by enough screen time, this is how this person told me he learnt this skill


Well-Known Member
The world's best scalper is a 32 year old trader ...........
.... That's how they do it.

....however it is possible one develops this instinct (interpreting the order book/market depth screen) by enough screen time, this is how this person told me he learnt this skill
Dear Friends,

This I think is a true post which goes with the title of this thread, else most of the other posts (including mine) were just not related to the title.

Hope viewers / interested guys may get to see more related information.



Active Member
Some of you may know about me. (About what I am into, etc...)
For others who don't know about me...

I left my job few months ago. I ain't satisfied with the job I got and I ain't got the job I wanted. I kept an idea in my mind when I left my previous job. If I ain't get any job in X months, start trading in Indian market was the idea. Don't think that I took this as this is my last resort. I was working for a proprietary trading firm before. Trading is bit hectic but I like it very much. That job was my third one. Trading is the job I liked more than other two jobs.

I started planning since 1st week of march. I planned to do jobbing (But I have never been into this kinda trading). First, I tried this kind in virtual way for around two weeks. Then I decided that I can do this. After some research I planned to open account with RKG (since I found this is the place I can get cheaper brokerage) and now I got my account. I got my account early this week. I started trading yesterday.

But I couldn't able to execute jobbing. I end up loosing around 6% of my capital. I am confident that I can do it perfectly from Monday(Every beginner got this confidence until loosing all the capital). But I don't wanna get screwed. I would like to get views from you JOBBERS/SCALPERS. That's the reason I am starting this thread.

I just explain briefly about what happened in these two days.

I trade only in NSE-Cash.

Yesterday, for sentimental reason I hold the first position because I don't want to end up loosing the very first trade. But finally, I happened to cover with bigger loss. This is not the only reason, but this is the main reason. Earlier my broker made me tensed with fund transfer, order rejection etc...

Moral of the day: No room for sentiment.

Today, I started well and I was executing jobbing. In 90 minutes I have executed around 20 trades. All were successful. I took a break then and came after a while and started. First one was OK with the second one I got stuck and couldn't able to cut the position and finally I covered @ day's stop loss.

Moral of the day: Don't hold loss/loosing position.

I would like to know from you guys about the following things. You can add more if you feel that I would be in need or helpful for my trading.

  • What kind of stocks you trade? list any favorite 5 stocks of yours.
  • How you pick stocks to trade?
  • What's the lot size you trade? What's the possible size to trade every now and then?
  • Do you use Technical/Fundamental analysis to execute jobbing?
  • How long you are into jobbing?
  • Were you successful since you started jobbing or it took some time to pick up? If yes, how long?
  • Do you stop trading after achieving your target or something?
If you wanna add something extra, please do...

May be I got much to ask you guys, but nothing strikes my mind now. So I ask you when it strikes...

I have got enough confidence to survive in this world of trading and now I entered. I don't wanna back step. I feel that jobbing is a way where I can live with less or no risk in it. You can ask me what happened to my previous trading system/style. I would say its good as well, but I feel riskier than jobbing. That's the reason I picked jobbing. And I got less or no knowledge about derivatives. So I don't wanna trade it now. May be after some years.

Note: Don't ask me to stop/quit trading.
what u doing is not jobbing..its jus an untrained version of intraday trading..jobbing means some calculation based..even i had a big dream of becoming jobber..but me n my family r well settled in there s no do jobbing u have get immense training under a people are arcadia sharesd and stock brokers mumbai..u jus visit their malad branch..u ul go crazy..young teenage boys n girl u should c them punching orders..huhhh.i asked them the details..then they said..jobbing s done based on secret formula which s highly coveted in industry..first u have to sign a bond for 5years..then they ul start giving u period s 3-6 s nothing but typing..typing the neat/bolt keys..all u need is ur 10 fingers 2 b verrrryy fast..mean time they ul prepare u for ncfm exams..once u get ur ncfm certificate..u r supposed to keep buyin and sellin in jus 1share..then they ul anal;yse ur record..after 1 month if u end n plus..they thye ul give u permission to trade n f&0..u have 2 pay 25000/as advance..they ul deduct if u go in minus..its profit sharing basis..suppose end of month if u make profit of 50000/..then its 50-50 betwee n u and broker..suppose if u make more than 50000///..then 60-40..end of month they ul pay u cheque deducting tds..what they said mimimum a jobber can earn is 50000/month and maximum is 2lakhs..highly xperienced jobbers earn that much..2lakhs..(aftr paying percentage to broker)..this s what jobbing s..a professional jobber is one who trades n neat/bolt terminal..any doubts please revert back


Well-Known Member
  • What kind of stocks you trade? list any favorite 5 stocks of yours.

  • Hi nac,

    SIRI in telugu means MONEY.The same SIRI
    SBI-Infosys-Reliance-ICICIbank help you to make money on stockmarkets.
    You can add HDFC or LT or BHEL or HDFCbank or ONGC to complete my
    favourite five stocks.

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