Need Help with this AFL

Hi Ajax.
look at the first line:
farback= 70 ; //Param("How Far back to go",100,50,5000,10);

if number of quotes is less than 70, then the error will occur. due to

for (i=0; i<farback; i++) {

curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;

Try with number of bars greater than 70 or 80 and everything will be fine i think.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ajax.
look at the first line:
farback= 70 ; //Param("How Far back to go",100,50,5000,10);

if number of quotes is less than 70, then the error will occur. due to

for (i=0; i<farback; i++) {

curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;

Try with number of bars greater than 70 or 80 and everything will be fine i think.

TRIED WITH farback = 100, 1000, 10000


TRIED WITH farback = 100, 1000, 10000

I didnt mean farback = 100 or above
farback = 70 is okey. Its just that number of bars in the chart must be greater than 70. So one more thing you can try is set farback to 10, if number of bars in your chart is less than 70 or something.
Hi Ashutosh,
Seems to be working perfect now. will keep watching for a couple of days and will ping you with the results.

hi deedeed,

i have seen your gann swing chart afl and tried to look for it in ami. But i don't get that swing lines but values comes clearly.

I am attaching the chart. kindly guide me where i went wrong. i use black as my background color in ami. So should i make any change in the afl also.



hi deedeed,

i have seen your gann swing chart afl and tried to look for it in ami. But i don't get that swing lines but values comes clearly.

I am attaching the chart. kindly guide me where i went wrong. i use black as my background color in ami. So should i make any change in the afl also.

Hi Ramash,
just curious, what is the color of the swing line in your chart??
try to change the background color of your chart, or else post code..
Hi Ramash,
just curious, what is the color of the swing line in your chart??
try to change the background color of your chart, or else post code..
hi ashutosh,

thanks for your reply. am new to afl's. started writing few. came across gann swing chart afl here. and i tried it with ami. i have attached the screenshort of rpl above. I give u the code here. have not changed anything other than the values color display from your prev code.
I use black as my back ground color.

kindly clarify me.


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBrightGreen ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

/* Gann Swing chart v4 */
/* Last modified 24 Feb 2001 */
/* AFL implementation by */
/* (C)2001 Tomasz Janeczko */
/* one and two - bar reversal version */

/* Change this to 1 for two-bar mode */
twobarmode = 0;

outsidebar = Outside();
insidebar = H <= Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 ); // built-in inside() works with < > instead of <= >=

upbar = H > Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 );
downbar = L < Ref( L, -1 ) AND H <= Ref( H, -1 );

upbar2 = upbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( downbar, 1 ) ) ;
downbar2 = downbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( upbar, 1 ) );

Poi = outsidebar AND Ref( insidebar, 1 );
Poo = outsidebar AND Ref( outsidebar, 1 );
Pooi = Poo AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Poio = Poi AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poii = Poi AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Pooo = Poo AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poooi = Pooo AND Ref( insidebar, 3 );
Pooio = Pooi AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );
Poioo = Poio AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );

upbar3 = upbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );
downbar3 = downbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );

upbar4 = upbar3 OR ( Poo AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );
downbar4 = downbar3 OR ( Poo AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );

upbar5 = upbar4 OR ( Pooi AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar5 = downbar4 OR ( Pooi AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar6 = upbar5 OR ( Poio AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar6 = downbar5 OR ( Poio AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar7 = upbar6 OR ( Poii AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar7 = downbar6 OR ( Poii AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar8 = upbar7 OR ( Pooo AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar8 = downbar7 OR ( Pooo AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar9 = upbar8 OR ( Poooi AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar9 = downbar8 OR (Poooi AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar10 = upbar9 OR ( Pooio AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar10 = downbar9 OR ( Pooio AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar11 = upbar10 OR ( Poioo AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar11 = downbar10 OR ( Poioo AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

fupbar = upbar11;
fdownbar = downbar11;

// Two-bar mode handling
fupbar = IIf( twobarmode, fupbar AND Ref( fupbar, 1 ), fupbar );
fdownbar = IIf( twobarmode, fdownbar AND Ref( fdownbar, 1 ), fdownbar );

/* Barcount since most recent up and down swings */
Us = BarsSince( fupbar );
Ds = BarsSince( fdownbar ) ;

Sd1 =IIf( Us==0, 1, IIf( Ds==0, -1, 0) );

Sd2 = IIf( Sd1 == 1, IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1), -1) > Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1), -1), 1, 0),
IIf( Sd1 == -1, IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1),-1) < Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1),-1), -1, 0), 0 ) );

g0 = ValueWhen( Sd2, Sd2 ); /* sample and hold non-zero values */

/* shift back one bar, add one dummy swing at the end and shift forward */
/* to ensure proper handling of the last swing */
lastbar = Cum(1) == LastValue( Cum(1) );
swinglevel = IIf( g0 == -1, HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H ), LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ) );
swinglevel = IIf( lastbar, IIf( g0 == -1, LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ), HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H )), Ref( swinglevel, 1 ) );

/* Gann Swing chart drawn here */
Graph1 = Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel , 0 ), -1 );
Graph1Style = 512+1024;
GraphXSpace = 10;

dist = 1.0*ATR(25);
for(i = 1; i <= BarCount - 1; i++){
IIf(swinglevel == swinglevel[i -1], txtVal = 0 , txtVal = swinglevel - swinglevel[i-1]);
Cntp = BarsSince(Cross(sd2, 0));
Cntn = BarsSince(Cross(0, sd2));
txtValStr = NumToStr(abs(txtVal), 1.2);
if(txtVal > 0) PlotText("" + txtValStr, i-(Cntp+2)/2, swinglevel[ i ] + dist[ i ], colorYellow);
if(txtVal < 0) PlotText("" + txtValStr, i-(Cntn+2)/2 , swinglevel[ i ] - dist[ i ], colorYellow);

dist = 0.5*ATR(25);
for(i=1;i<=BarCount - 1; i++)
IIf(swinglevel == swinglevel[i-1], txtVal = 0, txtVal = swinglevel-swinglevel[i-1]);
txtValStr = NumToStr(abs(txtVal), 1.2);
if(txtVal >0) PlotText("" + txtValStr, i, swinglevel + dist, colorYellow);
if(txtVal < 0) PlotText ("" + txtValStr, i-1, swinglevel - dist, colorPink);

/* //Colourized price bars drawn here
Graph0 = Close;
Graph0Style = 128;
barcolor = IIf( outsidebar, 1, IIf( downbar, 4, IIf( upbar, 5, 0 ) ) );
Graph0BarColor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor );



Well-Known Member
Dear Ashutosh

Worked with Pivot afl.
But its erratic. SOmetimes works,
Mostly stops analysis after 3-4 scrips.
On daily mode not much success

Hi ramesh,
Plot(Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel ,  0 ), -1 ),"Gann Swing", gannClr, 512+1024);
	PlotOHLC(O, H, L, C, "bars", barClr, styleNoTitle | styleBar | GetPriceStyle() );
in place of:
/* Gann Swing chart drawn here */
Graph1 = Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel , 0 ), -1 );
Graph1Style = 512+1024;
GraphXSpace = 10;
Hi ramesh,
Plot(Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel ,  0 ), -1 ),"Gann Swing", gannClr, 512+1024);
	PlotOHLC(O, H, L, C, "bars", barClr, styleNoTitle | styleBar | GetPriceStyle() );
in place of:
/* Gann Swing chart drawn here */
Graph1 = Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel , 0 ), -1 );
Graph1Style = 512+1024;
GraphXSpace = 10;
hi ahutosh

thanks for your help. it works fine for me now.

Mean while i developed another system with the following conds.

Buy when

RSI( 14 ) < 50, MACD( 12, 26 ) > 0 and
MA( Close , 4 ) > MA( Close , 17 ) and
MA( Close , 17 ) > EMA( Close , 34 ) and
EMA( Close , 34 ) > MA( Close , 50 ); and vice versa for sell.

i developed the afl and am attaching the same with the chart so far i get.
i have taken only buy1 and sell3 to print as i don't know how should i do this.

i need a buy only when all the ma's cond get satisfied or sell only when all fails. kindly see to this and help me ashutosh. hope am not bugging u much.


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