Dear Friend,
We are negative, because I am also a invester from the Gulf, Please understand that few years back people did make money, I too have invested in IPO from the 2007 and have invested about 8 Lakhs, can you beleive me or not because of the market ups and down I have made profit in MF till date is Rs.3 Lakhs, so try to understand this, Stock market specially the IPO's if you are dealing with please understand that you have to be in the market, If you have money invest it wise reading the balance sheet of the Companies over the past years see their performances. Yes we know you are new and you don't know anything of the market, its just like you say I have seen people driving the car and I can drive one too because someone else is driving the car, you may have an accident land up in hospital damages for yourslef and for the car you may have to pay it from your pocket. You everthing has to go slow and steady never be too hurry in choosing what others are doing you have to learn even if takes you 1 year from now, I too did the same thing dear I did not know what is what I had the money all keep in FD's today I am reaping my rewards slowly and steadly little by little not all at once that is how life goes on.