Hi ! Saint,
This is my first post in your thread. Well, actually The reason of writing this post is to compliment you all for all your good work. Mere words may never be sufficient enough, even to scale up your contribution. The efforts that you people make really amaze me. Some two months back I started ( & still at the same level, I am) to learn TA, but as i just said, I am still at the place, where i started it from.
I need the guidance of you people. Tell me what to do..where to start from..Mere reading can never give what I seek. I have seen some books in the resources section (authored by Mr. Murphy & Mr. Ping) & trying to buy them (but don't know ki from what bookstore in delhi can I have those books). Please advise, what to do? I can understand how busy you people are..and I should rather go to the TA section of traderji for it, but there I can for sure see all that might be required to learn TA, but once i reach that section, I get confused by the amount of info.....I just am not able to understand, where from I should start going thru it.....
please help...what ever you people can......it will be very much & forever, ONLY & ONLY, be appreciated.