Just curious to know, how come lowest volume of last 3 years is linked to sign of mkt shooting up ? and this is when it is already in OB zone (or in your system there is no space for OB, OS
Just curious to know, how come lowest volume of last 3 years is linked to sign of mkt shooting up ? and this is when it is already in OB zone (or in your system there is no space for OB, OS
in a bul mkt,mkt tends 2 remain in OB fr xtended period..in a bul mkt ,low volm means inaction by buls or bears..bt at sum point buls again bcum agresive 2 cros d previous intermediate top.
Just curious to know, how come lowest volume of last 3 years is linked to sign of mkt shooting up ? and this is when it is already in OB zone (or in your system there is no space for OB, OS
SGX Nifty As on 12-Dec-2012
+18.00 0.30%
Contract month : Dec 12
Pr. close: 5932.00 Open : 5938.50
Day High: 5959.50 Low: 5938.50
Volume 445
Open intrest 323,296
SGX Nifty As on 13-Dec-2012
+7.00 0.12%
Contract month : Dec 12
Pr. close: 5926.50 Open : 5944.00
Day High: 5950.00 Low: 5930.00
Volume 268
Open intrest 324,658