Anil Ambani has named the operator in his complaint...
"Trading cartel led by Sharad Shah... also known as "Sharad Bobada" was involved in spreading rumors and manipulating the prices of infrastructure company stocks to unfairly accumulate wealth."
Not such great work as he had predicted to fall every day this week but market fell only on friday (and of course this fall was easily predictable as nifty was coming vertical up from 5160 to 5600).... orverall up 2.5% for the week
Not such great work as he had predicted to fall every day this week but market fell only on friday (and of course this fall was easily predictable as nifty was coming vertical up from 5160 to 5600).... orverall up 2.5% for the week
hmm.. its not a question of one day.
all signals give no buy signals as yet. so people who are short from jan have no reason to exit their shorts..
it seems like a few months from now when there is some change in fundamentals and upgradation of earnings, charts will show the change.
hmm.. its not a question of one day.
all signals give no buy signals as yet. so people who are short from jan have no reason to exit their shorts..
it seems like a few months from now when there is some change in fundamentals and upgradation of earnings, charts will show the change.