nifty calls

magnet man by checking my positions pls tell me how should i create my new positions.. pls do planning for me.. that which call should i sell and which put should i sell for next month bcs now puts r very cheap and i dont want to give loss which i am havng in calls ... so shiftng to next month...
Magnet Calls For Thursday

was busy.
that is why haven't posted
many things have been changed here
including stars given to my thread :):):confused:
but but but show must go on

buy nifty 2 maro tgt is 4600
no majar resistence in between
we shall achieve this by 3 to 4 days

but be aware it's false mkt . we r in
so book profit on 4600. that cud be the end of this 5th wave

warm regards
magnet man
mt. anks

mt. anks
first of all sorry for answering u so late
but read today itself

mkt can maximum go down 4350 in coming correction
which may be start after hitting 4600

so this is my view
please calculate ur self that what u have to do

warm regards
magnet man
magnet calls for friday

just be there tgt is 4610
book profit somewhere near 4610 and also short ur nifty around
4610 for the tgt of 4450.
if there wud be any change(because of volumes,chart reading) i will try my best to let u know

con- clu- son
first book profit at 4610 and then short it there for the tgt of 4450

warm regards
magnet man
Re: mt. anks

mt. anks
first of all sorry for answering u so late
but read today itself

mkt can maximum go down 4350 in coming correction
which may be start after hitting 4600

so this is my view
please calculate ur self that what u have to do

warm regards
magnet man
thanks magnet man
will the markt corrct bcs it going higher nd higher and margin is suckng up almost finish nd my margin will rels only if its go down and regarding ur targt of 4350 .. i will be the happiest man if it come ... and will this correctn possible in this month bcs its going higher and higher
and what r the targts of closing ...
thanks a lot again...
bye and take care

dear anks,
before expiry mkt can come max 4450(though i am not sure that it will come before expiry or one day after that) where it has a strong spport from where once again it will rise up to somewhere near 4535-4540, after that once again it will test 4450. if in a second attempt mktwill able to breach 4450 than it will move towards 4350-4363. so these r far tgt and will achieve if mkt will breach 4450 in its second attempt.

warm regards
magnet man
magnet calls for monday

though mkt achieved my tgt of 4600 given at 4500 ,and it also took u-turn from 4600 as i said.
but i was not satisfied how it behaved.
it touched 4600 in a morning trade that was not satisfying.
charts also suggest that sell of has'nt started yet.
so my view is that nifty will once again go somewhere near 4610 and will rest there atleast half day after that profit booking is likely to start which will take indieces to 4450.

so conclusion
who have booked profit its good for them
who has shorted nifty at higher level be on short side tgt is 4450
who hasn't bokked profit can book it on moday.
stoploss is 4635

warm regards
magnet man

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