nifty calls

Magnet Calls For Wednesday

as expected, maket opened with gap but fizzeled as said.

now what, if dow closes in green today then expect this relief rally to tgt 4453.
res. in between is 4410.

suuport 4365,4267,4220

now coming to the medium term scenario:

we r heading towards the level of 4135 soon
be ready for one more deep fall in few days.
mkt may achieve 4453 in short term and from there it will take u turn for the tgt of 4135.

4453 is possible, if global clues come out positive.
so the word is be catious.

warm regards
magnet man

renu daga

Well-Known Member
rgt ,,,one needs to eb cautious ,,at this levls..though i think nifty will just look to 4470 not more than ,,and tehn we look for one more down leg lower than ,,,4200.
and if still nifty crosses clue with global refernce then we are poaitive
though nifty is in buy ,,,,category till now,,,,
Magnet Calls For Thursday

as expected nifty rallied,

and even crossed my res. of 4453, but i still think that this is a relief rally
and max it can move towards 4550, from where we can see 2 consecutive falls of 150 points each.

if any day nifty closes above 4550 then it will negtiate all bearishness.

res. 4477 4536

support 4410 4300.

again saying be catious.

warm regards
magnet man
repeating again

i strongly think that we haven't enter in buying mode,
we will fall up to 4300 in few days.
so please don't go long.
if u wanna go long wait for 4550 to be crossed

have a eye on 4536(spot)
warm regards
magnet man
it is reaaly superb call magnet on nifty / when whole india was bullish u have caution us before any body did , congrat
plz let us know wat is buy level after this swift n fast correction


Well-Known Member
Re: Magnet Calls For Thursday

as expected nifty rallied,

and even crossed my res. of 4453, but i still think that this is a relief rally
and max it can move towards 4550, from where we can see 2 consecutive falls of 150 points each.

if any day nifty closes above 4550 then it will negtiate all bearishness.

res. 4477 4536

support 4410 4300.

again saying be catious.

warm regards
magnet man
Dear Magnet Man,

No words to describe your analysis!!!!!!:D:D:D

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