NIFTY Futures Mechanical Trading

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1) And After 23 rd Jan we have changed our positions approx 29 times . It means we have traded total 58 trades here . If we some small trader is trading with one lot of Nifty than his broking and other charges normally RS. 3 per leg means 6 RS per trade (both legs) .

So total brokerage = 58 * 6 = 348

It should be either 29*6 or 58*3 but not 58*6.


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
This is my first post in this thread. I am watching this thread since 2-3 months. I know very well that if your trades goes wrong some time then every one here with criticize only to Mr.Vinod and there will be a lot of suggestions will be available to follow. I also have few suggestions:

1. We are seeing that nifty is moving in a narrow range of about 300 points (4300-4600 mostly) so that we can not expect a huge profit or loss thats why you should cut your stop loss atleast by 50%. We should not expect that nifty will cross 4650 in near future.

2. Book your profit at any favourable stage and watch market without holding any position (It will also give a great tension free pleasure to you).

3. Mix some other things with this system i.e. keeping an eye on commodity prices and currency futures, inflation, GDP, US market, political issues etc etc. dont go blindly only through your System bcz the Sentiments works more effectively than any other things and all the technicals charts gets crashed suddenly.

4. This is not necessary to keep position everyday.

However I am not follower of this system bcz I am doing Short at higher and Long at lower and I dont believe in Stop Loss, I use averaging system instead and that is working fine these days. I books profit anywhere in between 40-125 points) either in intraday or interday. In fact my last few trades were totally opposite than yours.

Anyways, If someone got hurt or feeling bad on my post then I AM SORRY!
Best of luck! :)



Well-Known Member
Hello Devangan

You seem to have seriously studied this system. Have you or any one else tested this S/R system with the adds on SR levels, like SAINT sir is doing on his system.


Support and Resistance levels of this system are best i have ever seen , and in real life i have earned 4 times more than what this thread has given profits (In last 4 months) using same Support and resistance levels. only thing i follow was Saint pivots and followed good habit of profit booking in range bound markets.

And one most important thing i learned here from early losses is to never hold over position on some crucial days , For example I booked profit on Friday short position here due this NSG Meeting



Well-Known Member
Dear Devangan123 & all newcomers,

1. I have never said in any of my post that, this system is best.

2. This is mechanical system and has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. i have clearly stated both in my 1st message as well as so many messages in some of my past posts.

3. I have also said, to trade my system, you need " 100% confident" & for that reason i keep saying that you paper trade first for around 3 months and if & only if you have 100% confident than start trading my system.

4. I have also clearly said that, the max drawdown is around 500 points.

5.I have also said, by using options, one can lock profit, whenever we have good profit. may be 200 points or more.

6. I also said to start with MINIFTY one lot only to limit max possible losses to "Rs. 10000.00" (500 points drawdown) only.

So if you are not willing to loss of Rs. 10000, than this system may not be suitable to your trading style. you need patience & confident. if you are earning more than the system by getting some help from my levels, I will be only happiest person. What i have said, is i am posting two levels daily & this is my style of trading. If you like it, than trade it. or if you find these two levels useful to you in any other manner, use it.

.... Since these 2000 points of profits is carrying a Rosy misleading picture in front of new comers .
If any new comers are serously looking to trade my system, than he/she should go thorugh entire thread right from 1st message, If you are new and directly jump to last message & feel that, it is rosy & misleading, than, i am sorry my friend, i can not help much in that case. If you have gone through the last year trade file, the net profit for middle two quarters i.e. from April to Aug is just 300 points. while profit in 1st quarter as well as last quaerter is more than 1000 points per quarter.

But I Seriously think that... and acting like a Advertisement of Tip providers site material .
Again, this is your thinking, cann't offer any help.

In short, if you are serious, than first paper trade for 3 months, understand entire system, go through all posts, judge your own whether this type of trading is suitable to you or not. if yes, and confident, than start MINIFTY one lot & keep trading blindly till we encounter 500 points drawdown before stop. your risk is Rs. 10,000.00. And trade only if you are willing to loose Rs. 10,000.00. if you have any doubt, may be a small one, than please do not trade until and unless you are not confident enough.

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Well-Known Member
NIFTY FUTURE For September 8,

Current position : SHORT (at 4355 on 05/09/2008)

Nifty Fut Closed at : 4366.20

Profit/Loss in current trade : -11.20 (as per last closing price)
Net Profit/Loss since thread started : +1908.80 (1920.00-11.20)

Support : 4349
Resistance : 4451

Hold SHORT position with SL 4451. If trades above 4451, exit SHORT & go LONG with SL 4349.

Happy Trading.



Active Member
your comments on the performance of this system is a reflection of your lack of understanding of system trading specifically trend following system trading. one of the greatest disadvantage of trend following mechanical system is its prolonged periods of drawdown during non-trending periods, yet on the long run it generates profits several times the drawdown. this period of drawdown is a very trying period for mechanical traders. if one has sufficient funds and patience to go through this trying period one can see very good profits. in fact, most of the time such trying periods precede a strong trend. hence to be able to trade this system one has to be able to be prepared for draw downs at least 50% more than the testing period of the system. hence, vinodji's caution about being prepared for Rs. 10,000/- drawdown for one Mininifty lot. i believe your comments to be unfair on this ground. you are trying to judge a system by cutting out its longer term profits and focusing on the more recent short adverse period. moreover, the losses in a trend following system usally outnumber the the profitable trades; but usually the profitable trades are much larger than the losing trades. that's how it generates profits. if you look at the nifty chart after Jan-Feb there have been very few trending periods suitable for this system. that's why it is genetating losses. once there is a clear cut trend, it will start generating profits. until that time be prepared for losses.

by the way, i think members would like to know how you have generated more profits from the levels of this system in more details so that they can use it for better performance. but that needs to be tested on a longer term basis.
I won't mind ur post because ur language shows how much manners u have but i will post same message after 2 months at same levels , then u will realize.
My language and my manners are directly proportionate to a persons level of intellect, which you had aptly demonstrated by your suggestion to change the counting of profits again from Zero to improve the systems performance.

Now coming back to your claim that after 2 months we shall be at the same levels, so be it, but how does that make you less foolish.... do you have any study / data to support your forecast... and why should a new count of profit points change that ????? PLEASE EXPLAIN

Same point i raised in other form to start this profit from zero again and carry forward these 2000 points in a different line as a past profits. Since these 2000 points of profits is carrying a Rosy misleading picture in front of new comers .

My post is not to criticize this thread or system nor my aim is to ignore the great effort of Vinodji for his time , dedication , efforts and capability

But I Seriously think that this profit of 2000 points is misleading and acting like a Advertisement of Tip providers site material .

So some points must be put into notice of a new comer else he or she only see the rosy picture of these 2000 points .

On 23 rd Jan 2008 Total profit of this system was 1255.90 points.

1) And After 23 rd Jan we have changed our positions approx 29 times . It means we have traded total 58 trades here . If we some small trader is trading with one lot of Nifty than his broking and other charges normally RS. 3 per leg means 6 RS per trade (both legs) .

So total brokerage = 58 * 3 = 174

If we deduct this 1255.90 + 174 = 1429.9 from our total booked profit till today means 5th September 2008 which is 1930 (After adjusting today change of position)

So actual Profit comes out to be after 23th Jan 2008

1930 - 1430 = 400 Profits in last 29 Positions in last 7 Months

While calculating this I have assumed that all 58 trades were done at same rate as vinodji had done .

Their is no personal Intention of making mistake in either calculation or number of trades if my calculation has some errors please point it , I will edit as soon i see your post

My aim is just to put some realistic picture in front of any newcomer, because some new member has entered directly into trading after seeing 1800 -1900 of profits and assuming that its very easy to earn out of stock market following this system blindly. By blindly means without following Saint Pivot techniques or any other supportive analysis.

My whole and sole Motive is to alert any newcomer that please give some time to this system use any other supportive techniques while using this valuable mechanical system . Since I know while posting daily Vinodji whole and sole aim is to help traders by using these support and resistance levels here else it is not possible for many of us to share his levels daily with such a discipline.

AND WHO ARE YOU MISTER, A GUARDIAN GORKHA FOR ALL NEWCOMERS WHO HIMSELF IS MAKING 4 TIMES MORE PROFITS WITH THESE LEVELS (and how do you do that, by resetting your count to zero each time ?? wow that's the holy grail, finally !!! you are the chosen one are truly blessed)

Where were you when the system was doing well, (and it is still on expected lines as claimed by the creator of this system- so why should you add your stupid humour when the system is in a phase of drawdown, and hide your sick a## when its on a roll, which is the primary goal of this system(to catch marathon trends)

I myself am no big fan of this system, but the mere fact that Mr.Vinod has the balls to trade it without any fear or emotion displays the strength of his character and mindset, and you sir, it's very easy to count other people's drawdowns under the guise of protecting newcomers, and btw who do you think you are to stop these chickens from getting their heads chopped off...

This forum is full of hidden secrets, i have found a handful that suits me, its a tiresome journey but the faithful will surely make it, and for those who are looking for free lunches, let them perish, i am not ashamed to proclaim that i feed on these guys...

So please step aside and let the boss dictate what is best for his system and if you are making 4 times profits with the same levels using different exits and are so very much concerned for the newcomers start a separate thread benefiting those you show so much concern for in all your posts.
Hi Vinodji,

If you don't mind can you mention the no of contracts you trade with this system?

I hope i am not intervening your personal reservations. If so i am sorry.

I entirely believe in this system and trading from last 2 months with this system.

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