today is the EXpiry day. it will be a tough & exhausting EXam for all of us. EXpect the unEXpected in nifty & sensEX. EXercise all your in-the-money options. all put-of-money options will sadly EXpire worthless.
i would request the EXperienced EXperts to EXchange their EXceptional trading ideas with us and set an EXample for us in this complEX trading world.
i would invite newcomers to ask for EXplanation from such EXperienced EXperts, so that they can EXceed their EXpectations & EXcel in their trading.
also, try to EXplore & EXamine charts conteXT properly. try to EXperiment but not in EXcess.
dont get EXited, keep EXhaling positive attitude and EXclude any negatives.
EXecute trades with EXact stop loss. EXit partly at targets with trailing stops for rest.
dont EXert yourself, but EXpand your outlook.
these little EXtras add to our EXchequer.
EXhibit professionalism, or else will become EXtinct.
Also, no EXpletive EXpressions allowed - EXplicit warning will be given.
try to have EXotic weekends, but not with your EX. take care of EXpenses.
PS this is not an EXhaustive list of rules ; i m not remembering my EX