i had full confidence buddy,afterall
we have a fighter here.
I hope there's no pun here, L2T...
(just trying to cheer myself up)...
No that's impossible to believe. A perons with such a clean heart,excellent sense of humor & helping nature can have this trouble. wishing and praying for his recovery
Without bringing out too much emotions in this thread, I just want to say that when you reach "that" stage, you realise how thin is the line between life and death....
It began on Friday during trading hours, and on Saturday/Sunday night, when it had become out-of-control, I was asking the same question to God on behalf of my relatively young family, and begging for forgiveness for any mistakes on my side...
I dread to imagine what amount of insurance can replace me for my kindergarten son...
My life may have "support" of my family & friends but I can stay "long" only till the time when "resistance" comes....
That "resistance" level is unknown, but we all know that one day, profit-booking time will come - it may be "profit-booking" for our souls, but "lifetime loss" for the near-n-dear ones left behind...
PS: CB, actually, it's not a disease - just an extreme form / severity of fever