Hello Milky, Yes, I think most of the brokers where you develop a rappo over a period would allow this facility. I trade with known people where I am given quiet a lot of facilities not normally available but that is not the on going thing.
Recently I was negotiating with India Bulls, they have agreed to HALF margine but trade needs to close EOD.....they added a Bonus : In case some position remained , and there was margine defecit, they will ask for a cheque after market and would not insist on squaring the trade!!!
Just ask about it, maybe some people may ask for 55 or 60% and insist on squaring at 3.00 or 3.15!!!! But am sure many, rather most of the broking houses would allow it. Milky there is a keen competition out there and we can seek some bargains if not more.
R K Karnani