Nifty Futures Trading

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Well-Known Member
I hold a view to the contrary, and have fixed the target for Spot Nifty as 4450 for today. So, still holding the 50% shorts. For 50%, the profit was booked at 4523.

Squared-off the balance at 4502.

Although, I expect the markes to be down/sideways tomorrow, one never knows. Why take risk?

And US markets today, are expected to shooooooot up substantialy. That may keep the open-close tomorow sideways, while the high-low shall depend on the volatility prevailing..... which is actually the bread and butter of a trader.



Well-Known Member
each one has their own risk tolerance levels, target, intuition and levels to watch for. am leaving it open since I expect some +ve things. does not mean the world will follow it. so u can consider ur levels, risk tolerance and act accordingly. simple rule is if 4510 becomes 4490 or 4480 and it wont affect u then sure keep it open. Best suggestion wud be to keep SL.
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