Hi Radha,
The webpage looks great. I just have only one suggession. I am not able to type a 3 digit number for moving averages. So i cant see a 100/200 min moving average. Can you please increase the allowable numbers fro 2 digit to 3 digit or more.
Also i would like to suggest one feature to you (if you get the time to implement then please do) - Can you please add the Range for charting i.e 1 day, 5 day, 3month, 6month or 1year charts for the script. The yahoo webpage link that you create has that option to select the Range. Like for the current chart it is &t=1d, for 5day its &t=5d, for 3 months its &t=3m, 6months is &t=6m, 1year is &t=1y, 2year is &t=2y, 5year is &t=5y and max is &t=my (these are all the options that yahoo website gives you