NIFTY Options trade : Why and what-if...

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Well-Known Member
chart pattern looks like a copy of 2nd may...


Well-Known Member
expecting a range bound day...between 5424 and 5454... fade the extreme... with double qty at reversal at sl point....

might turn out to be a day of chindi chori....


Well-Known Member
there are 2 questions one must ask himself.... always...

1. What is the market trying to do...?
2. Is it doing a good job at what it is trying to do...?

Dalton ka 2 question always gives you the impetus to build your position accordingly...

so far..
1. market is trying to go up...
2. its doing a pathetic job as selling keeps coming at lower lvl... supply zone was...5700... 5600-5620... 5550-5570.....5500-5520.... and now 5450-5465

But momentum is totally missing... this single factor is the reason for many misery among day traders this month....

market says....cant help it... live with it... either stay out..or trade accordingly...


Well-Known Member
5400 put has huge OI...and this is promting many to square off their shorts...
since panic is not visible on the screen...

placed buy trigger at 49.95 for 5400 put... its hod...!


Well-Known Member
5400 put has huge OI...and this is promting many to square off their shorts...
since panic is not visible on the screen...

placed buy trigger at 49.95 for 5400 put... its hod...!
hit.. 75% exit at at 40...


Well-Known Member
5400 baj gaye hai...lekin party abhi baki hai....
ba ba ba baaa

bulls hai naraaj lekin party abhi baki hai....
ba ba ba baaa
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