NIFTY Options trade : Why and what-if...

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Well-Known Member
On account of EXPIRY tomorrow, the EFFECTIVE range is further reduced to 4700.



Well-Known Member
With EXPIRY in a day, all CALLS above 4700 have lost more than 50%.
On the other hand 4700PE and 4800PE have added value to their closing
price.4600PE briefly showed some addition to previous value but eventually lost.
Other PUTS also have lost around 40%.
As nifty closed at around 4705 ,4700PE is good bet ,given the bearish

Columbus just thank button is not enough for this kind of posts...
Carry on sir,
Very good for option traders kind,
Thanks again,

With EXPIRY in a day, all CALLS above 4700 have lost more than 50%.
On the other hand 4700PE and 4800PE have added value to their closing
price.4600PE briefly showed some addition to previous value but eventually lost.
Other PUTS also have lost around 40%.
As nifty closed at around 4705 ,4700PE is good bet ,given the bearish



Well-Known Member
This post has only ACADEMIC interest only. CALL window is completely
filled but there is space in PUT window.Let us meet with JAN'12 series.



Well-Known Member
This post has only ACADEMIC interest only. CALL window is completely
filled but there is space in PUT window.Let us meet with JAN'12 series.

Looking @ tracking whole month for options data, can somebody here put some analysis on options & tell us what we learned & how options data played role here to make NIFTY down.

This will help us (specially me :)) to understand market in bettter way.


Well-Known Member
This post has purely academic value as expiry took place at 4646.
4700PE moved handsomely with 110% gain.All CALLS ,and PUTS below
4700 PE have lost completely.



Well-Known Member
Too early to give a call ,with barely ONE day into the NEW SERIES.
Apart from the regular zone,we have 2 more strikes in CALL side
whereas 5 more strikes in PUT side ,were seen.The message is
quite clear.

(Internet problem)


Well-Known Member
Hardly one day has passed in the NEW SERIES,predicting market is not good,
but PUTs have accumulated gains.

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