I told you not to put a penny down the line, until you understand FNO markets...
you can paper trade to satisfy your urge to trade without damaging your account...
Good, you are not ready to listen... but don't tell later on 'no one told me before....' !
For many people their brain will come out of its delusion loop only after taking hard beatings from market to reassess the reality.
You *WILL* lose your money in options market until there is a serious upgrade in your knowledge and psychology...
my 6500 pe got bad in May series. Did not want another one going down in May due to near expiry. So exited 7400 ce May as suggested by you(Thanks!!) with some profit at 61 as what if it does not reach 80? Fear is natural if expiry is near I guess
now holding just the sold pair 7000PE-7500CE June series for balance 75,000 as suggested by Raj
my 6500 pe got bad in May series. Did not want another one going down in May due to near expiry. So exited with some profit at 61 as what if it does not reach 80? Fear is natural if expiry is near I guess
my 6500 pe got bad in May series. Did not want another one going down in May due to near expiry. So exited 7400 ce May as suggested by you with some profit at 61 as what if it does not reach 80? Fear is natural if expiry is near I guess
now holding just the sold pair 7000PE-7500CE June series for balance 75,000 as suggested by Raj