6800-7300 Pair is with 11 points profit.
The MAX OI has become once again 7000-7500.
But 6800 and 7000 Strike has more or less the SAME OI.
As per the Lower timeframe if there is BO at 7260, will close this position and go for a different pair. If there is a BD at 7225 then will hold this position
15:30 PM : 6800-7300 Pair closed with 25 points profit and the position is still open
Closed the Positions 6800-7300 with 15 points profit since there was a BO at 7260.
And SOLD 7000PE-7500CE @ 76. Bought 7300CE @ 100. Net outflow was 25.
End of the Day Closed the positions with 50 points profit.
MAX OI still at 7000-7500 and the COI was changed to 7300-7700.
In the Daily Futures chart, The Pivot for the MAJOR Trend is at 7286 and the PIVOT for the Minor Trend is at 7376.
End of the Day since the MAX OI was 7300-7700, I have also sold the same pair @ 100. There might be some more UP side left Say till 7420, which might be tested tomorrow. As per the Hourly charts, if Minor Trend RESISTANCE is at 7335 and the Support at 7232. So if 7335 is broken down then will close the 7300-7700 Pair.
In the Lower timeframe , it is Trending UP, And for the downtrend, NIFTY Futures need to come below 7345.