Raj's way of selling/buying pairs is something I did not understand initially but now I understand some as how it works
I had made a loss of 50k due to naked options but Raj advised no need to do naked options when pair buying/selling is safer and gets returns too. Thanks to Raj for suggesting something I did not know earlier
Good that you have understood. So even though the gains is not very high it gives some profit. But I have to tell you that SELLing Pair also does not work always. So I would keep a stoploss of 20 points and Get out the position as soon as my stoploss is hit.
The other two strategies I tried are I am not sure the name of it. I will call it a BULL Spread and a BEAR SPREAD. It is a limited profit and Limited gain strategy.
SELL a Higher Strike Call and BUY a Lower strike Call - For Example when NIFTY is around 7500, and if the OI still remains at 7500-8000. Then you can try BUYing 7500CE and SELLing 7600CE.
Buy a Higher Strike PUT and SELL a Lower strike PUT - Yesterday I had posted this call in the thread.
SELL 7500PE @ 30 and Buy 7600PE @ 55. Net outflow of 25 points and Risk is 25 points.
With 200 quantities today the 7500PE has lost 2800 and 7600PE has gained 4130. Net gain of 1330. If NIFTY goes to 7500 once should get 5000. Please see my yesterday's post.
So these are some limited gains and limited risk Strategies.
Since FOR the BEAR SPREAD and BULL SPREAD I choose the strikes a little bit close, it should be normally VOLT Neutral.