Sorry there was some mistake. Instead of 7450 I had used 7400.
At 7450 7500PE Price would be 166 and 7450PE @ 142
So it would be a Gain of 166-105 = 61 points in 7500 PE
And a loss of 142-89 = 53 points in 7450PE.
Net gain 61-53 = 8 points.
Not worth it. So I am closing the positions with 2 points.
So I am selling the Pair 7150PE-7750CE @ 122. And buying 7600PE @ 148.
So it is always Good to Calculate the Profit/Loss for the Strategy.
At 7450, with the current VOLT.
7750CE @ 53.5 - Gain of 42.5 points
7150PE @ 46 - Loss of 20 points
7600PE @ 220 - Gain of 72 points
Overall the gain would be 94 points, IF ALL Goes WELL as per the Plan