Thanks for your detailed answer.
Here some more numbers to the used margin. The concept is even used for smaller option traders account with Think or Swim broker. The second point is about your bear spread and the third point is the IV on options.
- Margins: Shorting options will block 25'000 in your account. That money not works. On the other hand: Going long will cost you under 250, depending what option you take (otm, atm, itm / this months series, next month series). Looking at the possible reward we get with the long position and the money which is blocked and looking at the possible reward we get with the short position and the blocked money, it favors long.
Looking at it from that perspective, the reward you will get in the long run on the short positions in your market with that margin rules looks far worse compare to the longs, as you always have huge amount of money blocked you could work with.
Lets assume you take 10 longs with 250, you then have invested 2'500 = blocked money or margin or just the money you have to bring on the table to pay them. No further money needed. This is still only 10% from 25'000 which is blocked for one position. If you now could make 250 with that one position or 250 with the 10 position, what would be your answer (readers of this post)compare to the blocked money? Each persons choice, but surely worth a deep thought.
- An other point to spot on:
If the VOLT is High and Direction is Bearish, then it would have suggested a Bear Spread - SELL ATM Put + Buy OTM Put. Why? Market down and high vola = Sell atm call and buy otm call. That at least is for me the right spread in that situation. But as always: Personal choice.
- About calculating vola. I think you do fine with that. Puts have in some markets under certain conditions a higher IV compare to calls and in other markets the calls have always a higher IV compare to puts. Have posted about the subject in the thread of Columbus. And that is why option trading is not random. Put takers (if short or long) in Nifty take at the moment a slightly higher risk, but have a slightly higher reward for that.
Take care / DanPickUp