Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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I am trying this EOD trading, wherein I enter a position at the close of the day and try to capture the opening breakout next day. I am long on nifty (Long NF @ 5129) at per todays' EOD trade signal. Going long because of slow stoch signal. I need to improve this system further, as slow stoch is not sufficient for best returns.



Well-Known Member
I am trying this EOD trading, wherein I enter a position at the close of the day and try to capture the opening breakout next day. I am long on nifty (Long NF @ 5129) at per todays' EOD trade signal. Going long because of slow stoch signal. I need to improve this system further, as slow stoch is not sufficient for best returns.
try clear trend method...! works great on eod...!

trading logic is simple and effective. It takes the high / low of the day into consideration... like so far the lowest high is 5171.25 ( the HOD of 9th august), we are in a up swing only when we make a LOD which is greater than this high. There after the highest low of the day will be taken into consideration for a down swing...!

google and find the details...!

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I am trying this EOD trading, wherein I enter a position at the close of the day and try to capture the opening breakout next day. I am long on nifty (Long NF @ 5129) at per todays' EOD trade signal. Going long because of slow stoch signal. I need to improve this system further, as slow stoch is not sufficient for best returns.

dear friend

entering at eod to capture next day's opening breakout , through any system, in such volatile times, I belive, would not be a very good idea.. it would be understandable if u r lookin for positional or swing trades....not fr short term trades.

I managed to close my position at 5160, somehow could not get the order to execute at a better price (price we pay for trying to trade the first tick).

Thanks linkon, seems interesting, will refine and let you know.

try clear trend method...! works great on eod...!

trading logic is simple and effective. It takes the high / low of the day into consideration... like so far the lowest high is 5171.25 ( the HOD of 9th august), we are in a up swing only when we make a LOD which is greater than this high. There after the highest low of the day will be taken into consideration for a down swing...!

google and find the details...!

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Yes, it was a high risk trade, but its the volatility that helps such trades.

dear friend

entering at eod to capture next day's opening breakout , through any system, in such volatile times, I belive, would not be a very good idea.. it would be understandable if u r lookin for positional or swing trades....not fr short term trades.

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