Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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Well-Known Member
looks like my tsl at 5212.80 is in khartra...!

another 12 min for europe open...! lets hope they provide some excitement to this dead market...!


Well-Known Member
Now the bracket has changed to 5216 to 5180...!


Well-Known Member
I feel bad when anyone's stop loss get hits :(
i feel bad when someone doesn't use stop loss...!

Stoploss getting hit is part of the game...! so far 2 stops hit...! If i had to do a bar replay... then i would take those 2 trades again... so good trades both of them...! even though ended hitting stops...!
i feel bad when someone doesn't use stop loss...!

Stoploss getting hit is part of the game...! so far 2 stops hit...! If i had to do a bar replay... then i would take those 2 trades again... so good trades both of them...! even though ended hitting stops...!
Linkon sir I know stop loss are the most imp part of money management and without them we are risking 100% of our equity which can lead to bankruptcy and I saw your from kolkata too :) !I am short from 5228 again(stop loss - 5237) after my stop loss got hit today as the market opened higher , My charts tell me that we are headed to 5070 :)


Well-Known Member
Direction remains suspect...!

Bot 5300 call-5100 put pair for 83...!

Lets se what happens....!
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