To anyone reading this;
I have shorted 2 lots of Mininfty @ 5442 with sl at 5460 and first target of 5380 and second one at 5340 levels
If the market hits my targets i am out today itself and if not will carry overnight for tomorrow
I think guys like me who don't understand options, should be planning like this and try to avoid these kind of markets as experienced today, and also keep learning from Ranger 123, Linkon Sir, ST, , raunak sir etc...
Guys like me Should not be catching each and every move.... its left to experts..
I think for me right now its impossible to do that...
So one has to know their strengths and weakness and pl don't follow others for ex- Ranger123 and Linkon Sir....they are experienced and they know what they are doing,
its an advice from a loosing trader and now breakeven trader to anyone who considers himself a beginner and learner of markets.
I thought its good to write this because what i have seen in other post that some beginners do follow the thread owner blindly and blame them for their losses...
Please dont get me wrong an it is not intended to anyone and a general advice as a friend