Now time : 1:20
CE 5300 = 71.65
PE 5300 = 65.00
The sell price of of my 6 lots pair is Rs. 128.20 and NOW PRICE = Rs. 136.65
Profit book today Rs. 19.65 for 2 Lots
Thank you.
CE 5300 = 71.65
PE 5300 = 65.00
The sell price of of my 6 lots pair is Rs. 128.20 and NOW PRICE = Rs. 136.65
Profit book today Rs. 19.65 for 2 Lots
Thank you.
But if there is some trend and the moment is go on one side, I has to do some change in my positon. I will posting if I make change in the positon.
Thank you.