by MRTQ13

Hi guys

Thanks for the wonderful AFL.

I have one question ---->what is the objective of three lines that we see on the screen.

I shall be greatful if someone could explain this.
actualy its 4 lines... these r ma-s.
though i am still in confusion state is it realy need or not.
currently i am experimenting with CENTER OF GRAVITY, and tring to replace it.
All tecnical anlysis mesures market move we track market move after the market has moved or durring the market is moving and follow accordingly so one has to vigilant to singnals

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opps forgot to delete that! thanks mate ;)
We had noted this violation but as the email ID is given for helping others and there appears no commercial interest , we have turned a blind eye to it......

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in simple way,
bewinner if u read the guidebook, then u can find... there is
its very very important tools to overcome whipsaw apart of TSL.
i replace pivotpoint signal with trendline. watch it with live market.
hope it will help u to overcome whipsaws.
Guidebook!! But where it is. I didn't find any in previous few pages. There is an image on page 99 with some explanations in the name of guide book, but then there is no mention of tools etc. Please provide link for guide book. Thanks
pls backtest it with green/red botton on the top for entry
tsl for exit
balance/trenline green/red for emergency exit ( not for entry)
winddirection and biometer red/green color for strenght
and value of both side biometer is sup/res , compare it with current market price

given by amibrokerfans brother

TO BE CONTINOUED :thumb::thumb:

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