There are 2 versions.
One version downloads data from yahoo site. Its refresh time can be as low as 5 sec. Its very fast in execution. But I have seen one issue with it. Data provided from yahoo site is very outdated. Its almost delayed by approx. 15-30 min.
Second version downloads data from NSE Site directly. Its data is almost current but not real time.
Other features:
1. It automatically downloads data from NSE Site for previous days.
2. It automatically generates ASCII files for Scrip in folder named ‘Metastock ASCII Files’. These files can be read by Metastock. Everyday new data for scrip is automatically downloaded and appended to their corresponding scrip's.
3. It automatically generates metastock format files in folder named ‘Temp’ which is their in installed folder of NSETracker. Metastock users can directly point to this temp folder and start reviewing their scrip's.
Others you can explore yourself.