Online trading account -iifl

For those whose volume is good, low brokerage matters. IIFL; I do not think; is anyway a small broking house but large enough to gain confidence of investors but their practise is enough to discourage investors like me to continue with them. Besides, I do not think, small is bad. Bcz, every one grows from small to big. Take Reliance Empire as example. Similarly, big need not be reliable. Big can become bigger and if not managed well can also become smaller. But there always are chances for small one to grow big or bigger. Hence, all depends upon sincerity and honesty of those who manage.

I trade with SSKI and India Bulls. I pay trade more with SSKI and pay higher brokerage to SSKI just because their customer service is good and features of the software are good. At the same time, I find that their Sw is poor as compared to PIB of India Bulls. PIB is good. But its features are not as good as SSKI. I pay lowest brokerage to India Bull. So, if money matters; which is yes to every one; one would go for lower brokerage but at the same time look for good facility and reliability.

Money is monostrous. It does miracles. See, how every day we see ACB at work. Inspite of being caught on daily basis, still people opt corruption route shamelessly because of greedy for money.

One day, I sold 50 shares at a particular price at India Bull and SSKI. The net difference was Rs.15/- more in IB as compared to SSKI.

India Bull, therefore, seems to be good option. I had made few suggestions to upgrade PIB but so far, they are not concerned.
I am also facing the same situation. When I wanted to execute a payout from my account and that did not happen hence I had to quit. I had filled the account closure form but nothing has moved so far. what should I do now.


I had submitted request for closure of Online Trading A/c with India Infoline on 26th Apr.10, in their prescribed format. Till now, inspite of reminder, the matter is pending. Does it need more than a month.? Apparently not. It is deliberate attempt to harass those who wish to quit IIFL. I am planning to take up the issue with NSE, along with reviwal of my old complaint against IIFL.
This has reference to your above observations. We have still not received any communication from you in this regard. We request you once again to provide us complete details such as login id and your contact number in connection with the same issue. Upon receipt of your mail, our customer service team will be able to work on resolving the same..
It took almost 2 months to close the a/c. They deducted an amt. of Rs.250/- from ledger balance. I can not understand as to why ILFS is not transparent, why they promise one thing while opening a/c. and another thing when trnsaction starts. Ofcourse, I have come across some other brokers too who are cunny/crafty and non-transparent but IFLS is leader amongst such brokers. By doing so, they only lose customers. Why Sharekhan is still a leading broking house inspite of higher brokerage and poor Trade Tiger?. Bcoz, they are more transparent and customer friendly. Why I closed a/c. with India Infoline, inspite of lower brokerage they offered me after I complained to NSE?. Bcoz, I found that they are not transparent, features of their S/w is not a match to Poor Trade Tiger or PIB. How they are not transparent?: Before opening A/c. I was assured there would not be any charges. But after signing the form, I was made to pay 555/-. After opening the a/c., I was charged highest brokerage as compared to the prevailing brokerages, as against promised lower charges. When I realised their trick, I tried to close the a/c. and sent them delivery Instruction to transfer the shares, it was turned down inspite of my making 1 year's advance DP charges citing insufficient ledger balance. Ultimately what happened?. I incurred loss just by falling prey to this tricky broking house as I did hardly continued with them inspite of paying 550 (A/c Opening) + 660 (1 years DP charges) and 250/- while closing the account. Besides I sold the shares held with them, at loss. I curse this broking house. For nothing I lost money to them. Had they been transparent, they could have earned more brokerage from me as my volume is not low. Besides, I am sure, those who read my educative and informative messages through Traderji must have discouraged atleast few clients from opening account with them.

Another most important information about IIFL is that in response to NSE's enquiry with them on my complaint, they made a false statement/reply stating the matter was amicably settled even when I was in dark about NSE's letter. (I received my copy after a month of despatch from NSE). Such are the liers in IIFL.

This is for information of those who wish to open account with IIFL.
Dear Customer,

Even after repeated reminders, we do not have any communication from you . If this is a genuine complaint, please revert at earliest with information as requested. If this is not a genuine complaint but merely an attempt to malign us, we reserve the right to take necessary legal action in this matter, to protect our reputation.


IIFL Customer Services Team


Well-Known Member
Dear Customer,

Even after repeated reminders, we do not have any communication from you . If this is a genuine complaint, please revert at earliest with information as requested. If this is not a genuine complaint but merely an attempt to malign us, we reserve the right to take necessary legal action in this matter, to protect our reputation.


IIFL Customer Services Team

There are plenty of complaints around this thread on IIFL... Even I have some...

I tried several times... Never resolved... What you are gonna say?

"Send a mail to us"
India Infoline - IIFL has started charging Rs 45 per month. They never communicated me via phone. Only an email. Looting customers

I am planning to close the account immediately.
Online Trading - India Infoline (IIFL) Mobile Number Change:

IIFL frustrates & harasses customers for Mobile number change. My old mobile number is not in use anymore. To update a new number you have to sign a form and send.

IIFL is constantly telling me that the signature is different. Although it is the same one. I had also shared the old email which had the same signature & with it the mobile number was changed by India Infoline.

Never opt for IIFL. They will harass you for small things.

Vivek Rathod

After lot of pain & suffering, I got my mobile number registered.

Post mobile registration, while resetting password IIFL is saying that I am not registered for SMS facility. I need to download one more form & send to IIFL.
Attached is the snapshot


