Open Interest Tracker Software

Re: umesh jee pl give me yahoo id i want software for capture data from nse vsat

Mr. umesh can u tell me why is there a crack of chartsdata software when its free distribution for novoice traders and it helps them learn techanalysis and really nice of Mr. L K he is really helping this forum and teaching them abt trading

hope to hear soon

Re: umesh jee pl give me yahoo id i want software for capture data from nse vsat

Mr. umesh can u tell me why is there a crack of chartsdata software when its free distribution for novoice traders and it helps them learn techanalysis and really nice of Mr. L K he is really helping this forum and teaching them abt trading

hope to hear soon


The time line is as follows..

Before MR LK released the first version of charts trade to public, it was time limited and many people asked for an extended version from Mr L K. But owing to rude behaviour of some forum members he discontinued support. I needed the software so I cracked it for my personal use. I told the methodology to Mr L K. Then some forum members asked for this crack. I asked Mr L K, and he said he is fine with it.

so i released here.

Later Mr L K, released a better version of charts trade. So I discontinued looking at this thread. I hope this answers the question.
Re: umesh jee pl give me yahoo id i want software for capture data from nse vsat

Ya thanks Mr.Umesh i hope Mr. LK will have no problem with the work u have done to help the forum members and also Mr. LK will help this forum with his developed software and experience in the software field rest if i can be of any kind of help do let me know hope to hear soon
Also nice to meet u Mr. Umesh
Hallo sir,I have downloaded your utilities but i am unable to install it.I read the reademe file.but could not understand these lines:
go to the folder where you have downloaded the utility by using the command cd.

now enter the command like this.

OI-****.exe <TICKER> <Contract Expiry> <timeout in seconds>

when run typing cmd dos file open but not know what to do next.My knowledge in dos is very poor.It will be great opprtunity for me, if installed oi tracker utility.Plz guide me if u can Thanks.

Mahesh Rade.
You need to give the command like this.

Go to the installed folder. If you had installed in c:

go to the command line prompt,

give the command c: and press enter

now give the command oi-excel.exe NIFTY 31DEC2009 300

and then press enter.
Dear Mr. Umesh

I have Downloade Oi excel software but i am not getting any data...and asking for destination URL ...Following is the mesage. Kindly help me out for the same.

D:\OI\OI>OI-Excel.exe FUTIDXNIFTY 31DEC2009 300
Open Interest Retriever for NSE
Give the URL of the Print view of the FnO instrument
You need to give the command like this.

Go to the installed folder. If you had installed in c:

go to the command line prompt,

give the command c: and press enter

now give the command oi-excel.exe NIFTY 31DEC2009 300

and then press enter.
Thanks very much sir!Now it is working.Its great file
Nope dinesh, I havent seen the latest chartsdata and currently dont have any idea of trying to crack it.
HI, Umesh,

I tried the OI-excel.exe, but unfortunately i m not getting the data. I am geting only time at every refresh but O,H,L,C ,Oi all remains blank. and on graph sheet also it addes only tome on data...can u help me out to trace out whats problem??


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