Dear Mr.Ghosh,
I sold a NMifty call option 6000-dec07 for Rs.130/-
and bought a Nifty call option 6200-dec07 for Rs.62/-
Is it Good straterg ? pls reply.
If i am corerct ... according to this strategy you will gain :
1)MAx 70 and that too 6000 levels and below.
2)btw 6070-6000 > you would the difference.
3)Btw 6200-6070 > Difference is your loss
4)Above 6200 > your loss is max 130.
This strategy indicates that you think If and only If market cross 6200 then it would Spurt up like go up fast but below that nifty has less chances of crossing 6100.
If your thought process is that ... it may be a good strategy, but i think you could have brought a 6100 call too instead of 6200.
Srry if you were asking some1 else but i just wanted to share my two cents.