Dear Jace48,
My cals says R1~ S1 < 300 so, would not trade. Have not included Monday's data into my cals as there was not much movement either ways.
My cals says R1~ S1 < 300 so, would not trade. Have not included Monday's data into my cals as there was not much movement either ways.
Monday's high was week's high and so is Wednesdays low.
Even if I take Friday's high as week's high the calculation comes to
Weeks High = 4110
Weeks Low = 3790
Weeks Close = 4092
2P = 2 * (4110+3790+4092)/3 = 7994.66
R1 = 2P - L = 4204
S1 = 2P - H = 3884
R1 ~ S1 = 320 >300.
Since Friday's high is almost equal to Monday's high
PS: You can use below mentioned one liner using Quick formula indicator to get above result using Weekly resolution
drawtext($Lastbar+5, PFAddBox($HighBar[$LastBar], 1)+50,SetDez($HighBar[$Lastbar]))
Substitute below mentioned code for low and close
For low SetDez($LowBar[$Lastbar])
For Close SetDez($LowBar[$Lastbar])
You might need to disable enable Quick formula to get the result