Option trading with DanPickUp

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Generally , margin required is 7 % and hence for a Nifty option of around 5500 , you require roughly Rs 20 k. also you will get the credit equivalent to the premium sold. So in case you sell 5500 nifty option @ rs 100 , Rs 50 x 100 = 5000 will be credited to your account and hence net outflow will be 20k - 5k = 15 k.

Nup sir you are not perfectly correct .

Well firstly i want to tell you guys that a margin is Fixed by SEBI so that they are risk free as well . Weather you sell a nifty call/put 5500 or 6000 does'nt makes any difference in total margin that is required to process.

Leaving the calculation part m simply answering your question i.e Current margin required to sell any nifty option is Rs 28500/- (Approx.) and it always lies within range on 28-30k . The very next day if you are holding the sold option you get some amount of margin that was deducted to sell the option in your ledger balance automatically and so on.
But initial margin is what i told you above .

If you guys have any other query regarding option trading just feel free to ask , its my TRADE MARK :)


Well-Known Member

If any body has any question to the guy from the above post, please ask those questions in any of his threads and not in this thread.

Thank you

Good trading

Dear Sunny ndl

There is not much I can do about that. Go through the following links and read in it. This will expand your knowledge about what time frames to look at:



Mark Douglas and Van Tharps books are more about your psychological manners and understanding of your self. They are not books for TA.

For all who do not know Mark Douglas: The following link is about an one hour interview with him: http://www.tischendorf.com/2010/12/12/mark-douglas-video-interview-trading-psychology-quotes/

Good trading


Hi Dan,

I believe the file attached in your post is a pdf download of one of the threads here in traderji. I am trying to download few of your threads in pdf format for my later use. Can you please let me know how to do it.



Well-Known Member
Hi Dan,

I believe the file attached in your post is a pdf download of one of the threads here in traderji. I am trying to download few of your threads in pdf format for my later use. Can you please let me know how to do it.

Dear BlackHwk

The PDF about the thread from Saint was created by Ashish2602.

Now how to do such a file< Use Word from Microsoft Office 2007 and then you can past/copy post by post into the Word document. For the picture use a screenshot program, make the screenshot and then past/copy into the word document. Now you need a PDF creator for Microsoft Office. You now have the possibility to save the word document in PDF. Thats it.

Next about the links from the Million Dollar Traders. It seems the guy who showed them on Youtoube did not have the rights to do it the way he did it. Never mind. Use the following link to see the whole three hour documentation< http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/million-dollar-traders/

Good trading



Well-Known Member
Did any body make a real analyzes what those newbies made wrong in there trading in the Million Dollar documentation<

If so, please post it.

I will start with those two points<

- They never ever even played any strategy they tried in advance.

- They all think they are right in the direction they think market will go. * As we have enough such kind of greenhorns here in this forum which think the same way, even think others should follow them and post it here day by day )))))), this it is a prove how good those greenhorns are.

Next point is yours.

Good trading

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so dan as its your thread no one can step in without your permission.
Well, seems your full of market gyan...hmm !
Want to know from you , your views on market from these levels ??? 6000 or 5700 ?? Which direction you think with your reason ???
I hope you will revert me and will not ask me to go away to my thread *lOL* jokes apart, want some serious business .
Revert awaited .

The Predictor


Well-Known Member
so dan as its your thread no one can step in without your permission.
Well, seems your full of market gyan...hmm !
Want to know from you , your views on market from these levels ??? 6000 or 5700 ?? Which direction you think with your reason ???
I hope you will revert me and will not ask me to go away to my thread *lOL* jokes apart, want some serious business .
Revert awaited .

The Predictor
Dear Predictor

As I told in this thread< Every body can look at a chart and each of us will see different things. http://www.traderji.com/options/66266-option-trading-danpickup.html#post641002 As we all see different things, it is wrong to think that we could be in a position which is 100% correct. It is of normal nature that when we enter a trade, we have a certain idea where market could move and some times we are very right and some times we are wrong. Not experienced traders take there mind about market direction as granted and those people I call greenhorns as there is no guarantee that it then will be like that.

TA is surely a good way to try to predict markets, but it is in no way a go or a free ticket for< I am right when I say market will move there and there and others now have to follow me.

For short time traders the best I have seen for market prediction is option tape reading. Very good but those who do it sit the whole day in front of there screens and follow that tape religiously at any time. The same applies for stock trading and dear ST knows it best for future trading.

As told many times and in all threads I explained stuff about Nifty options, I always informed that I trade mainly at the CME, which is the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Means, when I look at Nifty, I first analyze the Dow and some other markets witch correlate in a plus or negative way with the Dow and then would make a decision where Nifty may could move, as Nifty follows the Dow with time delay most of the times.

Explained that, you already see how stupid it would be to think that I am in a position to say in a 100% sure way what your market will do. As your questions points to the direction of the market, in my opinion Nifty is in a middle term uptrend channel which started around June this year. In this uptrend channel you are in the middle of the range. The range in my opinion is 6100 to 5700 at the moment. Middle of the range, where Nifty would be now according to my words, would also mean that your underlying has a low volatility which will rise at the moment market will start to go to the lower trend line from the mentioned channel.

What about today< Dow gaped down and it looks like Nifty is following it. Today we will have a few numbers coming out like unemployment claims, core retail sales and retail sales in the USA. Those numbers will have an impact on today's opening in the Dow and the Dow has touched its lower uptrend channel trend line in the daily chart and is in the middle of the short uptrend channel on the weekly chart. Pure TA with no indicator and just my two cents for that moment the post was written.

Good trading

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