Options Adjustments


Well-Known Member
Summarizing tough pls add your inputs.

1) FInd out support / resistance through OI.
FOr position use OI/ Intraday chg in OI.
2) Take position short outside support/resistance.
3) Take long positions when resistance/support is reached
4) Use adjustments to manage your trade.

Toughs explanations have been very clear. Also further enlightened by this wonderful thread which you can check. http://www.traderji.com/trading-diary/88670-nifty-options-trading-raj.html

This is more or less and as simple as I do...:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Please confirm or correct me
1)when more people are shorting Ce / CE price will go down/ CE OI will go up /market will go down
2) when people are short covering CE /CE price will go up/CE OI will go down/ market will go up.

3) When people are buying CE/ CE price will go up/ CE OI will go up/ market where is it expected to go??? Do you rely on long positions too

4) When people are long unwinding CE/ CE price will go down/ CE OI will go down/ market where is it expected to go??? Based on long positions


BANG ON :) Please see today's Interpretations



Well-Known Member
Dear lemondew...

let us start our study on option adjustments....

Above chart is posted daily and some simple observation is done on EOD basis while based on the interpretation and observations we can identify the strategy and run it on thread with possible adjustments...

here its only HIGHEST OI & MAX OI PAIN is tracked along with price correlation.. do you need any other indicators like vix range, S/R on chart etc etc need to be added?

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Active Member
Dear lemondew...

let us start our study on option adjustments....

here its only HIGHEST OI & MAX OI PAIN is tracked along with price correlation.. do you need any other indicators like vix range, S/R on chart etc etc need to be added?[/COLOR]

Is it good to enter(buy) on that option which WOULD be HIGHEST OI on the trading day.
can you share in which software analysing this OI . One more question what is the relation with Max OI & Max OI pain, can u pls elaborate it.
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Well-Known Member
Dear Yan...

Is it good to enter(buy) on that option which WOULD be HIGHEST OI on the trading day - No

can you share in which software analysing this OI.- excel sheet

One more question what is the relation with Max OI & Max OI pain, can u pls elaborate it. - I think you have to ask this to my GURU, Mr.Google (he is always available for everyone @ www.google.com):thumb:



Well-Known Member
And he( Mr.Google) doesn't know then the. Next one to ask is our beloved master ..GOD!!!!!:lol::lol:

Dear Yan...

Is it good to enter(buy) on that option which WOULD be HIGHEST OI on the trading day - No

can you share in which software analysing this OI.- excel sheet

One more question what is the relation with Max OI & Max OI pain, can u pls elaborate it. - I think you have to ask this to my GURU, Mr.Google (he is always available for everyone @ www.google.com):thumb:

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Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Sorry for delayed response. Was tied up with other engagements.
If you ask me NIfty is priced well and personally I would prefer a short strategy than a long strategy sure you guys might ve your preferences. Trend is bearish. 7500 CE and beyond looks very difficult to break. I am never very certain about my directions so prefer neutral strategies to directions again others may ve their preferences.

We would ve to consider
1. what kind of short strategy/long strategy?
2. Directional or neutral strategy?
3. DO you think IVs would go up or down? In my opinion the IVs are going down


And one more thing pls request ppl to stay on topic. Newbies can learn from options basic threads which are there in plenty in traderji. In my opinion things that are of topic or irritating can be best left unanswered. There is no compulsion on anyones part to answer every question/statement posed to him.


Dear lemondew...

let us start our study on option adjustments....

Above chart is posted daily and some simple observation is done on EOD basis while based on the interpretation and observations we can identify the strategy and run it on thread with possible adjustments...

here its only HIGHEST OI & MAX OI PAIN is tracked along with price correlation.. do you need any other indicators like vix range, S/R on chart etc etc need to be added?

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