Super. Thanks Saravanan. That would greatly help. Is it possible to do the backtests with the calls that we are getting around 10 AM.
I Can back test in Any condition which is Possible in excel with RT.
First I Want to confirm the Rules (Which I Got from your Prev.Thread)
Let me to say What I Have Included in my AFL. Here are the Rules I got from your thread
The "Open", "High", "Low", "Close" rows are self explanatory
Buy Above 25 EMA*- This is the 25 DAY EMA calculated from the "HIGH" value which we will use as the price to Go LONG
Sell Below 25 EMA*- This is the 25 DAY EMA calculated from the "LOW" value which we will use as the price to Go SHORT
Then we calculate the following Values*
15 DAY High AVG*- 15 DAY EMA on High
15 DAY Low AVG*- 15 DAY EMA on Low
15 DAY Open AVG*- 15 DAY EMA on Open
15 DAY Close AVG*- 15 DAY EMA on Close
25 DAY High AVG*- 25 DAY EMA on High
25 DAY Low AVG*- 25 DAY EMA on Low
25 DAY Open AVG*- 25 DAY EMA on open
25 DAY Close AVG*- 25 DAY EMA on Close
15 EMA Signal - If HIGHER HIGHS and HIGHER LOWS on 15 DAY EMA Values then BUY, If LOWER HIGHS and LOWER LOWS on 15 DAY EMA Values then SELL signal. ELSE NO Signal (VOID)
25 EMA Signal*- Same with 25 DAY EMA Values
15 EMA & 25 EMA Signals Combined - IF 15 DAY EMA = BUY and 25 DAY = BUY then BUY....
Final Signal*= Compare Previous Daysignal and then take a final signal...*
For Example if Previous Day = BUY and today = BUY then BUY
For Example if Previous Day = BUY and today = SELL then SELL
For Example if Previous Day = BUY and today = VOID then CLOSE BUY
There are many combinations
Decision based on Signal - We will get a combined signal like "STAY LONG" or "CLOSE LONG and SELL SHORT". So we might have one signal for LONG and another signal for SHORT
LONG Signal*- The Signal for LONG Positions
So at the End of day 02-Sep, we have a LONG Signal called "BUY LONG" and Buy above 5481
On 03-Sep the opening price was 5486 and so we go long ar 5486
On 03-Sep after market opening market made low of 5474 and so our stoploss of 10 points hit. So loss of 10 points on 03-Sep
So at the End of day 03-Sep, we have a LONG Signal called "STAY LONG" above 5483
On 06-Sep the opening price was 5480 and so we go long above 5483 only andso we bough at 5484
On 06-Sep after market opening market made a low of 5480 and so our Stoploss would not have hit.
Market closed around 5577 and so we make a profit of 93 points.
07-Sep is similar to 06-Sep...
Let me know if you have understood, If you know excel a bit, you can see all the formulas used in the calculation....
At the end 03-Sep for 15-DAY EMA Signal, you can obserer that all the Open, High, Low and Close are higher than the previous days values*
5490 > 5487 (High), 5433 > 5427(Low), 5459 > 5455(Open), 5461 > 5458(Close). Since it is making HIGHER HIGHs we get a BUY signal
Same for 25 DAY EMA*
5483 > 5480(High), 5427 > 5423 (Low), 5453 > 5451(Open) , 5455 > 5453 (Close) . Since 25 DAY EMA making Higher HIGHs we get a BUY signal in 25 DAY EMA also...
I tried to write an AFL Based on the above conditions Then I left the process since back results were not so promising
If You have any diffrent conditions then let me to know the Calculation details then I will try to modify the AFL
Normally I will Backtest any system for one or two counter. If it give good results then I will check for other counters also.