Picking up nickels in front of steamroller!!


Active Member
Going good.

Which calls are creating pressures?
I sold 5400 PE--> Sold day before
5600 CE--> last month @ 56
5700 CE--> last month @ 42

Backing 5600 CE with futures otherwise also.. if market doesn't end on 5700 then I will be OK.. will short 5500 if market touches 5650.

Average price/Current price
OPT-NIFTY-30-Sep-2010-5400-PE Sell -21.25 21.80
OPT-NIFTY-30-Sep-2010-5700-CE Sell -42.05 24.15
OPT-NIFTY-30-Sep-2010-5600-CE Sell - 57.65 66.60


Well-Known Member
I know. When you take small profits,one bad loss will hit the profits. Options overnight hit everyone. Hence it is better to have higher time frame trades in equity and futures. Still options intraday are more rewarding as shown by many traders here even though people find it hard to believe.
I know. When you take small profits,one bad loss will hit the profits.
That is assuming that the trader doesn't keep a stop loss. A small profiteer will also have a tendency to keep tight stop loss. An OK strategy..

Just my 2c.


Well-Known Member
That is assuming that the trader doesn't keep a stop loss. A small profiteer will also have a tendency to keep tight stop loss. An OK strategy..

Just my 2c.
No yaar overnight values of options change fast how can you keep SL on these. Plus time decay eats up the premium.


Well-Known Member
Am still trading this.. still profitable.. after a small hiccup in sept (minimal loss due to going long calls on breakout), last 2 months been great :)

jv.. hows it going for you?
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