if NF expiry on 5800 ?!!!-- my position will be at 22lakhs
if NF exipry on 5700 -- the position will be @ 11 lakhs
if nf expiry on 5600 -- the position will be @ 4 lakhs
if nf exipry on 5500- the postion will be at 1 lakhs
any chances for NF to exipry at 5600 will give break even point ...
Hello Stock 72,
I know you are play with money for enjoy and not thinkin of earn money slowly. You are still keep CE 5800 and it is also a direction positon.Or you keep CE 5700 or CE 5600 direction positon, I not now. I do not understand why you do this things.
Like you before calcultation you has say
if NF expiery on 5900 -- the positon is 16 Lacs
if NF expiery on 6000---the positon is 22 Lacs
if NF expiery on 6500 ---the positon is 1 Crores
With this thinging you can not earn back your loss. Please understand this thing.
Thank you.