hello 4xpipcounter,
I think that if we do the paper trade and if we make profit than our mind will tell us to do real trade becasue we not like to make paper profit. So we can get confuse in the mind. If we make a lose than we will be happy because we has not lose the real money. But in the paper tradeing we can get both things even after we has become expert. So I thinkging that instate of paper trade or becoming out of the market for long time, it is good to come down our trading quantity to very less quantity. This is also advise by the Tnsn sir to make the quantiy less to 1 lot or also 1 share and keep doing the tradings. I get his thinking in my mind good and clearly. So I will tell every body to do less quantiy and not the paper trading or go out of the market. But on the expiery day also I become out of the market and not do 1 lot trading.
Thank you.