Position Sizing Strategy

srisara said:

I have updated the Excel File. The updation include the below corrections

1. Stop Loss is now based on Column "Higher Close" rather than C.M.P (Current Market Price).

2. Calculates Stop Loss Accurately and Paints a Red Color when the C.M.P goes below the Stop Loss

Please let me know your comments and any difficulties you face.

As told, this is a basic Excel File based on 2% Risk per Trade based on Total Equity Investment.

hi srisara
i have downloaded the file. but XP says that due to security settings macros are disabled.
what or rather how will macros work in disabled condition.
hello ragh_ash
u can solve ur problem by following steps.
1.click tools on menu bar.
2.click macro
3.click security
4.click security level tab
5.select low and click ok

best regards

Position sizing is a technique that consists of adjusting the size or the number of shares/contracts of a position before or after initiating a buy or a short trading order. Position sizing is very important and if applied correctly, it can dramatically improve your strategy performance and help you avoid ruin.